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One of Downtown Summerlin’s newest boutiques, Carrie Lynn’s Plant Shop, serves up a diverse selection of house plants and ethically and substantially made products. Ready to learn more about this one-of-a-kind boutique? Read on for a one-on-one with the owner, Brooklyn Martell.

Q: Why are plants trending these days?

A: “Several factors seem to have all lined up perfectly for the house plant fever to take off. I noticed the house plant trend starting on IG around 2016. Having access to so much design inspiration online via IG/ Pinterest started to inspire people to buy plants to make their home come alive and feel fresh. The last five years or so have seen a surge of customers shopping with more discernment, care, and intention of doing good for the earth. With this heightened consumer awareness we’ve seen things like “the zero waste movement” take off and documentaries on fast fashion change spending behavior. Sustainability is becoming top of mind, and buying, sharing and propagating plants is just a symptom of this heightened awareness! I can’t wait to see where this takes us next.

Q: Tell us about some of the plants and offerings available in the store at Downtown Summerlin?

A: “What’s special about the shop is we put a focus on carrying not only the classics (Aglaonemas, Anthuriums, Dieffenbachias), but we make sure to carry more rare selections and color! Lots of color. We always aim to have at least a few different varieties of pink plants as well!

We also carry lots of unique plant pots from artists we find and reach out to on social media. Having an artful pot makes all the difference.

Q: How do you care for plants?

A: “Individually! Call me old fashion but I’m not so keen on these plant apps. I’ll have a customer come in and say, “My plant is dying! It has root rot!” And I ask, “How often were you watering?” 

“Every 7 days like my app told me to.” No, no no. Perhaps at a maximum use an app for a reference point, but care for your plant like an individual, and a robot won’t be the best in evaluating what your plant needs day to day -only you will, using all your senses!

Q: What are some of the health + wellness benefits of having plants in your home/office?

A: “Cleaning, watering, pruning a plant is such a calming, meditative practice. It always puts me in a good head space. It provides an opportunity to slow down and focus on something other than me, and that’s always a relief!

Then we also have that wonderful NASA study done in the 80’s inspired by their need to find ways to clean the air in space stations. Indoor air pollution is caused by formaldehyde (found in carpets, upholstery, pains and sealants), Benzene (released by candles made of paraffin wax), Trichloroethylene (dry cleaning) and so many others. All of these toxic chemicals and more can be removed by your house plants!

Q: Anything else super unique and fun you would like to share about the DTS location?

A: “We will be offering classes, workshops and panels soon! From potting 101 to DIY totem poles and kokedama! We will also be venturing into workshops that are not plant related as well from health and wellness to girl boss networking meet ups! We are so excited to start rolling out pop-up shops in our space! We will be showcasing and hosting other local creators and makers in all fields from baked goods to ceramics, and beyond.

Ready to shop green? We are too. Carrie Lynn’s Plant Shop is located on Festival Plaza Drive.

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