In 1997, a seven-foot, larger-than-life white cotton-tailed jackrabbit named Summerlin Sam made his debut at the Summerlin community’s annual Egg Hunt. Since then, this beloved bunny has appeared at hundreds of events and activities, groundbreakings and grand openings, baseball games and sporting events, both in and outside of Summerlin, serving as the community’s ambassador.
Let’s get to know him a little better!
How old are you?
Sam: “As the mascot of Summerlin, I am lucky to live forever in my young furry body that never ages! I feel as youthful today as I did in 1997 when I became Summerlin’s official community mascot! It’s been more than 25 years and I still feel and look like a kid!”
What do you love most about being Summerlin’s mascot?
Sam: “I enjoy the celebrity status of being recognized everywhere I go! But I most love making people smile!”
What are some of your most memorable appearances?
Sam: “I enjoy throwing out the first pitch at Little League games, mingling with the crowd at Downtown Summerlin parades and concerts, posing for pics at the Summerlin Festival of Arts, and attending all the fun events throughout the community.
I have played mascot basketball with other community mascots at UNLV’s Thomas & Mack Center, and in 1998, I went to New York City with then President of Summerlin to attend an Urban Land Institute conference! I have even worn a tutu for a photo shoot with Nevada Ballet Theatre!
I am never bored!”
What’s in your closet?
Sam: “Oh my, I have so many custom outfits, including a Las Vegas Aviators jersey and hat, a Superhero Cape, Halloween costume, a Fourth of July vest and top hat, a holiday Santa hat and more. I am getting a new Raiders and VGK jersey this year – can’t wait to show them off! My original suit was designed by Carol Flemming, a mascot designer from Northern California who has designed mascots for many professional sports teams. Her claim to fame is the Domino’s Pizza Noid! Since then, I have had many costume upgrades. I’ll even admit to having had a little work done in 2019, thanks to my friends at Street Characters, Inc. who at the time were also helping my pal Spruce Goose get ready for his debut with the Las Vegas Aviators and the grand opening of Las Vegas Ballpark. I love looking good and stylish!”
Summerlin’s a big community. Where do you live?
Sam: “I travel all over the community, but mostly, I hang out at Fox Hill Park! Whenever you’re in Summerlin, be on the lookout – you never know where I’ll turn up next.”
We heard you once had a coloring book!
Sam: “Yup! In 1997, a 15-year-old Summerlin resident named Alan Miller illustrated a coloring book all about me which was reprinted in 2022 and distributed at Summerlin Sounds concert series and Summerlin Festival of Arts at Downtown Summerlin! You can even download your own copy at It’s good to be famous!”